As we are no longer supporting Register Card (as it is an outdated method to verify cards), it will soon be deprecated.
Check Card is the card verification method recommended by the Card Schemes.
Check Card performs a zero amount pre-authorisation (0 Auth) to check the validity of the card:
- The card:
- cardNumber
- cardExpiryDate
- cv2
- The account:
- is not blocked or blacklisted
- exists
- Tokenises the card number into an encrypted string.
A successful Check Card request verifies the card with the issuer providing you with the confidence the card is valid.
The card token is returned so you can use this for future payments.
Integrating via our Web / Mobile / Server SDKs
The Check Card response receipt object returns the full receipt details.
The cardToken is also returned which can be used for future payments.
Example Response Snippet:
"receiptId": "915607863668412416",
"yourPaymentReference": "cd6fcd20-9c0a-436c-9ec8-2caee5324e6a",
"type": "CheckCard",
"createdAt": "2022-12-01T14:18:46.5375+00:00",
"result": "Success",
"message": "AuthCode: 0",
"judoId": 100502814,
"merchantName": "Shodan - Cybersource Routing",
"appearsOnStatementAs": "APL*/ShodanCybersourceRo",
"originalAmount": "0.00",
"netAmount": "0.00",
"amount": "0.00",
"currency": "GBP",
"externalBankResponseCode": "0",
"authCode": "0",
"paymentNetworkTransactionId": "123456789012345",
"cardDetails": {
"cardLastfour": "1111",
"endDate": "1222",
"cardToken": "oALxtKjEIG9mJtTeNUPFNgNZoG62ryT9",
"cardType": 1,
"cardScheme": "VISA",
"cardFunding": "Credit",
"cardCategory": "",
"cardCountry": "US",
"billingAddress": {
"postCode": "TR14 8PA"
"consumer": {
"yourConsumerReference": "cv2 test"
"device": {
"identifier": "bd9b254a156847e9a73f54929c465701"
"threeDSecure": {
"attempted": false
"risks": {
"postCodeCheck": "UNKNOWN",
"cv2Check": "PASSED",
"merchantSuggestion": "Allow"
For more information on integrating Check Card via our SDKs, see:
Integrating via Web Payments.
Ensure you use the following Check Card endpoint:
The Check Card response redirects the user to the redirect URL, and returns a smaller number of parameters in the URL in comparison to the response from our SDKs.
Parameters returned:
- ReceiptId
- CardToken
- Reference (web payment reference)
- ConsumerReference
In order to get the full receipt details (for example, card scheme, last four digits) from the Check Card query, you will need to use the receiptId from the response and make an extra GET call.
For example:
GET /transactions/<receiptid> => GET /transactions/<1160924457095827456>
NOTE! Webhooks are not supported for Check Card, you will need to use the GET/transactions/<receiptId> call to get the full receipt details.
Example GET Response Snippet:
"receiptId": "1160924457095827456",
"yourPaymentReference": "8f396938-611c-4043-a856-33d4e6d7be05",
"type": "CheckCard",
"createdAt": "2024-10-08T13:59:19.5634+01:00",
"result": "Success",
"message": "AuthCode: 451017",
"judoId": 100144401,
"merchantName": "Card Payments - Ai",
"appearsOnStatementAs": "APL*/CardPaymentsAi",
"netAmount": "0.00",
"amount": "0.00",
"currency": "GBP",
"acquirerTransactionId": "36879643699106140269",
"externalBankResponseCode": "",
"authCode": "451017",
"postCodeCheckResult": "Failed",
"acquirer": "Barclays",
"cardDetails": {
"cardLastfour": "6891",
"endDate": "1225",
"cardToken": "SOF-yhtgGgE4TU-TweSxsKlnDw",
"cardType": 1,
"cardScheme": "Visa",
"cardFunding": "Credit",
"cardCategory": "",
"cardCountry": "FR",
"bank": "Credit Industriel Et Commercial",
"cardHolderName": "Frictionless SuccessNoMethod"
"billingAddress": {
"address1": "My house",
"address2": "My street",
"town": "My town",
"postCode": "V6C 1N5",
"countryCode": 124,
"state": "BC",
"line1": "My house",
"line2": "My street",
"line3": "My Flat",
"city": "My town"
"consumer": {
"yourConsumerReference": "7eb5a455-06e3-4a81-9566-0e99d2b874fd"
"yourPaymentMetaData": {},
"threeDSecure": {
"attempted": true,
"result": "PASSED",
"challengeRequestIndicator": "ChallengeAsMandate",
"eci": "05"
"risks": {
"postCodeCheck": "FAILED",
"cv2Check": "PASSED",
"eciIndicator": "05",
"merchantSuggestion": "Allow"
For more information on integrating Check Card via Web payments, see Web Payments.